Fundraising Dinner

Cerdas Fundraising Dinner – Save the date!!

Saturday, March 07, 2009 – 6pm Events will include traditional Indonesian music and dance performances, and traditional Indonesian food will be provided. Tickets: Individuals $30; Students $20; Kids under 12 free; Childcare will be provided. For more information and ticket purchase, please contact: Fenty Muliadi 206.354.6780 Mustika Ningrum 425.246.0355 Ismail Budhiarso 206.526.1761 Adisty Damaranti 425.442.5365

Our First Fundraising Dinner

We invite you to join us at our first fundraising dinner and silent auction in celebration of the creation of the CERDAS Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Seattle, WA, whose purpose is to provide financial aid for learning and education to underprivileged children and to offer relief assistance for any natural disasters or emergency