CERDAS Foundation as a non profit organization works with the mission to provide financial aid for education to underprivileged children and to offer relief assistance for any natural disaster in Indonesia. Our work based on principles of independence, non-partisanship, transparency, professionalism and spirit of volunteerism.
To undertake the mission there are two kinds of category that will be entitled to get help in our program, the first is under “Children Education Scholarship Program” and the other one is under “Generic Education Assistance Program”.
The following information are described who those to be eligible for a scholarship or financial aid and how the procedure has to be met.
A. Children Education Scholarship Program
Criteria for those that can be nominated to receive child education fund:
– From needy family
– Want to go to school
– May drop out from school if not helped.
– Not currently receiving similar fund from other sources.
Procedures and requirements to request child education fund:
1. Request can be submitted by individual or a person of behalf of organization. The submitter will become a “Fund Coordinator” who manage the fund and become the liaison between CERDAS Foundation and the children receiving the fund. Number children can submit for at least 5 children to a maximum of 15.
2. Submit a proposal (template available from CERDAS Foundation)
3. Complete Form A (statement form) and Form B (prospective children information).
4. Complete Form C (implementation and evaluation) upon receiving and distributing the fund. Periodic update using the same form (e.g. every semester) is required during the funding.
5. All forms can be submitted by email, fax, or mail
6. Funding are to be used solely for humanitarian purpose, NOT for political or mission of a particular group.
7. Funding will be given annually and can be extended based on the condition and accomplishment of the child as well as the family situation (i.e. based on the periodic submittal of Form C)
8. Addition of children under funding may be done by submittal of Form A. A “Fund Coordinator” can not have more than 15 children under his/her care at any one time.
9. All requests will be evaluated by CERDAS Foundation. CERDAS Foundation reserves the right to approve or reject any request.
B. Generic Education Assistance Program
Programs that may be considered under this category include:
– Procurement of items in support of school program (e.g. books, instructional material, etc)
– Aid for study group and other non formal school program.
– School recovery program following a disaster.
– Other program supporting the advancement of children education in Indonesia.
Procedures and requirements for non children education program:
1. Request can be submitted by individual or any person of behalf of organization. The submitter will be accountable for the execution of the program.
2. Submit a proposal (template available from CERDAS Foundation)
3. Complete Form NA (statement from) and Form NB (information about the individual that will receive the fund).
4. Complete Form NC (Progress Report) upon receiving and distributing the fund. Periodic update using the same form (e.g. every semester) is required for a program that last for an extended period. Other progress report format may be used as necessary and appropriate.
5. All forms can be submitted by email, fax, or mail
6. Funding are to be used solely for humanitarian purpose, NOT for political or mission of a particular group.
7. Each proposal is eligible for a one time only funding that will be given upon the approval of the proposal.
8. All requests will be evaluated by CERDAS Foundation. CERDAS Foundation reserves the right to approve or reject any request.
Note that:
For Forms A, B, C, NA, NB and NC and also proposal guidelines are available in Indonesian Language. Please contact us to get all those and attach it to your email.